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For 10 months, Costa, with the aid of several sponsors, self-funded his Midnight-3 a.m. Moondog Serenade here on AM-970. It was the magnificence of Dino, who left a hole in SiriusXM “Mad Dog” Sports Radio’s soul that has yet to be filled when he split the satellite scene five years ago, on display to the max. With the money running out, and a family to support, Costa recently accepted an offer from Randy Markel, who owns 590 The Fan in St. Louis. Costa briefly gigged there before coming to NYC. He will make his St. Looie debut on December 3 in a time slot to be determined.


Hi Dino,I have no idea where you are at in your life, but I hope you are happy and healthy. I’m writing because i miss you and your show. I also want to remind you (though I’m sure you don’t need it) how unbelievably talented and compelling you are. I once swore I would never pay to listen to a podcast or radio show, but I gladly forked over $10 a month to listen to the greatest radio orator I have ever heard in my life. You are special!  I just had to let you know, because I know there are many others who feel the same. If I never hear another word from you, I just want to thank you for all of the insanely amazing content you have provided your listeners over the years. You are one of a kind and I’m so glad I had a chance to listen to and view your fire. Thank you so much for the memories my friend. I’ll never forget you. Best Wishes always.

-Eric Kappenberg

“It’s the only thing that I started in that I didn’t finish,” Markel, a local businessman who was the longtime owner of the Chuck’s Boots operation, said then. “As people can testify, once I start something, I get it done.” But his view has changed now. “It’s out of sight, out of mind with me,” Markel said this week. “I had it all set before.”

His intended lineup included Kevin Slaten moving from middays to morning drive time, followed by Frank Cusumano remaining in the late-morning slot.

Who he would have in the midday slot had not been determined, but Markel had planned to fill the key afternoon drive-time block with DINO COSTA — a firebrand who had brief stints at the station in 2016 and 2019.


But Cridlebaugh, a radio lifer, also calls Costa "one of the greatest radio-talk-show hosts that has ever lived. In part, that's because Costa is an extraordinarily talented radio host – acerbically articulate, angrily funny, intense to the point of mental imbalance. Costa makes Colin Cowherd or Skip Bayles, two of ESPN'S best-known Angry Male alphas, seem mild and reasonable. Compared with them, Costa is more like a militia leader broadcasting direct from Ruby Ridge under siege, an army of liberals blasting away from the other side of the barbed wire. He is the host of 'The Dino Costa Show,' which goes out to an audience of 23 million subscribers on SiriusXM's Mad Dog Radio channel 86. Over the years of his tumultuous career, Costa has stumbled onto a winning formula: He takes the overheated sports-talk-radio arguing, infuses it with Tea Party–inspired politics (Obama is the "worst president in the history of the country"; Mitt Romney is an untrustworthy "fake") and evangelical sermonizing (diatribes attacking the "gay and lesbian lifestyle"); adds a healthy dose of politically incorrect boundary-pushing (Ben Roethlisberger got a bum rap on that whole raping a girl in a bar thing; the NBA All-Star Game should pit white players against black); throws in some borderline felonious ranting (to a caller on the show: "I'll put a can of WD-40 right up your ass, and you won't be squeaking the rest of your life, you rat bastard!"); and generally helped carry the Aggrieved White Man's Burden through the Great Recession of 2012.


"Dino Costa is a radio genius"


SXM’s Christopher (Mad Dog) Russo is interested in conspiracy theories and concocted another one Wednesday when the phones on his high budget show went dead. Dog blamed the malfunction on old nemesis Dino (Mastermind) Costa.  Even after all these years Costa, who belongs on the Mt. Rushmore of SXM “Mad Dog Sports Radio” hosts, is still somewhere in Doggie’s head


Dino (Mastermind) Costa? The voice of reason? No, we were not hallucinating when we heard D.C., on 970-AM, analyzing the Benigno situation (the only voice on NYC radio to do it). Costa split it right down the middle sticking to the facts and not editorializing. Nice job.


Dino Costa is a prominent figure in the world of sports radio broadcasting, known for his passionate and often controversial approach to discussing sports. While opinions about Dino Costa may vary widely, there are several aspects of his career and persona that have contributed to his reputation as a notable radio host.

One of Dino Costa's key strengths is his ability to engage audiences through his dynamic and unapologetic style. He doesn't shy away from expressing strong opinions, even on contentious topics, which can make for compelling radio and stimulate lively discussions among listeners. This willingness to tackle tough subjects head-on has helped him build a dedicated following of fans who appreciate his candor and fearlessness.

Furthermore, Dino Costa's deep knowledge of sports, particularly American football and basketball, adds credibility to his commentary. His insights into player performances, team strategies, and broader trends in the sports world demonstrate a keen understanding of the games he covers. This expertise allows him to offer valuable analysis and perspectives that resonate with his audience, fostering a sense of trust and respect among listeners.

In addition to his broadcasting skills, Dino Costa's work ethic and dedication to his craft are evident in his consistent presence on the airwaves. Hosting a successful radio show requires discipline, preparation, and the ability to stay engaged with current events and developments in the sports industry. Costa's commitment to staying informed and delivering quality content on a regular basis is a testament to his professionalism and passion for his work.

While Dino Costa's style may not appeal to everyone, there's no denying his impact on sports radio and his ability to captivate audiences with his bold and outspoken personality. Whether you agree with his viewpoints or not, his contributions to the industry are significant, and he continues to be a polarizing but influential figure in the world of sports media.


When SXM “Sportszone” program director Tim Sabean pulled Costa off the air Wednesday, Dino’s days were numbered. He was yanked for being himself, going on an entertaining riff (it wasn’t the first time) about how his bosses wanted to change him, turn him into someone only capable of robotic sports recitations with no depth or imagination. Whoever threw Costa off SXM’s Ship of Fools never understood they had a singularly unique personality, a yakker who built and maintained a cult following and more. Instead of building on that foundation, they tore down the house, burned it, then celebrated their own stupidity.


On SiriusXM Radio, Dino Costa, authors a headline-grabbing show, equipped perfectly for satellite, in which callers traditionally let loose as Costa often offers up no-holds-barred commentary. It Makes the most of the platform.


I think The Dino Costa Show, with all of the rare and exclusive features it possesses, is in its own way, as important and as crucial as any program on the radar. I have no doubt that if my show was ever given the support and the backing of any credible person within the industry, and if it was provided with the kind of exposure and visibility vehicles it’s deserving of, my show would explode across America and capture a gargantuan audience. I’m just skeptical that there’s anyone smart enough in the industry who is able to recognize this."

-BREITBERT National Feature

DOGGIE STILL A (W)FAN?It appears Chris (Mad Dog) Russo is keeping his employment options open – including a return to WFAN. Why else would Doggie verbally destroy his colleague, the Mastermind, Dino Costa, during his Thursday Sirius/XM gabfest? Costa’s sin? Ripping Mike (Sports Pope) Francesa for dissing Russo. Francesa told Mikhail Prokhorov Doggie was “working somewhere else” and has gone to radio “obscurity.” After contending that he has much respect for the Pope as a radio pro, Costa proceeded to pound him. “Radio obscurity your big fat ass,” Costa said. “The guy (Russo) is doing a national show.” Costa had a few other choice words for his Holiness. Instead of thanking the Mastermind for watching his back, Russo, once again genuflecting to Francesa, skewered Costa. Stuff like “what has Dino done in his career?” and “Dino, you actually worked in Wheeling, West Virginia.” “Enough is enough,” Russo said. “Let me fight the battles with WFAN.” Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Now, some of this could just be radio shtick. The more troubling aspect, which Costa alluded to on his Thursday night “Experience,” is that “Mad Dog Radio” management had a problem with him trashing Francesa. This would indicate someone at “MDR” needs to grow a spine – pronto. If Dog and his lackeys have a problem it ain’t Dino. He’s actually entertaining. Perhaps they should shift their concern to cleaning out “MDR’s” morning drive-time garbage dump


Listening to Dino Costa’s 970-AM show is like walking down a dark alley — you never know who or what is going to jump out and “surprise” you. On a recent show, Costa encouraged all callers to dial in and say what they hate about him and his show. This made for some very interesting radio.


For reasons known only to him, WABC-AM’s Sid (Sidiot) Rosenberg thought it was a swell idea to go on Twitter Thursday and gloat over the apparent demise of 970-AM’s Dino (Mastermind) Costa. Early Thursday morning, Costa, who funds his own Midnight-3 a.m. show, said he would be pulling the plug on it in early August. But by early Friday morning, Costa, who has been known to frequently change his mind, did it again saying — loudly — he was staying put and the show would continue. Ironically, he credited Rosenberg, among others, for providing the inspiration to press on. Then, on the air, all hell broke loose. Costa, along with his producer, Cigarette proceeded to, in a hot and hilarious spiel, surgically (and graphically), dissect Rosenberg’s career “highlights.” By the way, In Rosenberg’s Thursday tweet he tried getting me involved but I was too busy doing laundry to join the fray.


"Who is your nighttime guy on Mad Dog Radio? Dino Costa? He's great...that boy is great, that boy is good"


“The world of overnight sports talk will get a much-needed shot of juice starting Tuesday morning when Dino (Mastermind) Costa launches his new show (Tuesday-Friday, Midnight to 3 a.m.) on AM 970 The Answer.” “Obviously there is a lot of great sports radio in New York,” Costa said. “I feel privileged to be a part of the New York sports radio scene and I hope I can do my part to provide another option for sports fans looking for something a little bit different.”“What, a humble Dino too? It’s got to be an act, right?


Dino Costa is talented, opinionated and controversial.  For a radio personality, that’s pretty much the perfect mix.  There’s probably no better collection of attributes that does more to grab ratings. Yet Costa isn’t on the radio right now. He was fired last fall from Sirius XM, where he hosted a nighttime sports talk show for five years on the company’s high profile Mad Dog Sports Radio channel (named for Chris “Mad Dog” Russo, the longtime New York AM sports radio talker lured away by Sirius with a five-year, $15 million contract in 2008), where he had developed a loyal following.


In 2006, Costa also gotten his first taste of national exposure, by picking a fight with Nuggets power forward Kenyon Martin in the locker room after a game. Costa crowded Martin during an interview. Martin told Costa to "back the fuck up," and Costa, who still calls Martin "a piece of shit, no class, despicable human being," responded by telling the very large and heavily muscled professional athlete to go fuck himself.


If Dino (Mastermind) Costa was trying to get a reaction out of his former SXM colleague Chris (Mad Dog) Russo, he has succeeded — big-time. “It’s no surprise Costa has continued his early morning verbal assaults on Dog during his 970-AM (The Answer) show. He’s trying to put a spotlight on himself. The latest salvo had Dino accusing Russo of stiffing a Minny cab driver during his Super Bowl week shows. Coincidentally (or was it?) a regular SXM caller (Mario From Minnesota, who is a cab driver) dialed up Russo’s show on Thursday to dispute Doggie’s version of how Dino departed SXM after five years on the job. Incredibly these two Yap Flappers have something in common. When they speak about each other they do it in tones of disdain/disregard bordering on hate. It’s impossible to stop listening to either of them. If it’s any consolation, Dino has not been much kinder to 98.7’s Michael Kay, to whom he derisively refers as “Baby Huey. And when it comes to Kay’s quest to be No. 1 in afternoon drive ratings Costa, after referring to Kay “as a TV guy masquerading as a talk show host” and “thin-skinned,” said: “Number one of what? A sports radio castle someone like me can huff and puff and blow over. Anyway, as long as Russo is booking a reunion with Mike (Sports Pope) Francesa every other month, Doggie should get together with Dino for an hour or so. At least that would be worth listening to.


Sid (Sidiot) Rosenberg must be losing his mojo. On his Thursday night Sirius/XM masterpiece, Dino Costa torched Sidiot’s new book, dissecting it with the precision of a brain surgeon. To say The Mastermind totally embarrassed Sidiot is being kind. That’s why it was stunning Rosenberg did not call in to confront Costa. The old Sidiot never backed down. Rosenberg was listening (Smart move. He can learn something from Dino). Stoolies said Sidiot e-mailed Costa. We don’t know the contents of his missive. Or if it is even suitable for printing in this newspaper.


Costa is unpredictable but clever. He’s compelling. An original – a mastermind.


Dude of the Week: DINO COSTA. The resident lunatic and mastermind of Sirius/XM’s “Mad Dog Radio” did not disappoint during his Manhattan invasion. Costa threw a wicked curve Thursday night when he teamed with Electric Circus ringmaster Scott Ferrall. A situation ready to spin out of control, featuring two yutzes fitted for matching straitjackets before the gig, proved to be edgy and enlightening – seriously. The roof didn’t blow off until King Scotty departed. Costa morphed into Ferrall, doing a perfect, hour–long imitation of the gravelly voiced yakker. Under this cover, Dino MC’d a Dump–O–Thon, torching numerous suspects – including his boss, Chris (Mad Dog) Russo. Costa indicated Doggie wears his “Marquis” costume outside the studio. “(Russo) puts on a wig,” Costa said. “He needs to see a psychiatrist.”


Controversial SiriusXM Radio Personality DINO COSTA to Be Subject of New Documentary Film from Chesapeake Films

Filming will begin in Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 18, 2013. The documentary film will be directed by Joel Franco, cinematography by Darko Nikolich, edited by Anthony Bernard, sound design by Karol Urban, and original music by Marianthe Bezzerides. The film will begin shooting in Wyoming, where Dino Costa resides and produces his daily radio sports talk show, The Dino Costa Show. The crew will then follow Costa to New York, NY, to continue filming Costa's hometown, friends, fans, and family.

Franco wanted to do the film because, "Dino is a breath of fresh air in the world of cookie-cutter sports talk radio. He is fiercely independent and connects with his audience like few can. I just knew that under that big personality was a story waiting to be told. I am so excited to begin."

When asked about the film, Dino Costa said, "When I embarked on my career as a talk show host, I wanted to achieve many objectives; I never thought about the possibility of someone wanting to do a film about my career and my life. In speaking with Joel about his vision for this film, I'm confident that collaborating with the crew at Chesapeake Films will culminate in a documentary about my life that people will find interesting and compelling."


What a week Dino Costa turned in on Sirius/XM filling in for Chris (Mad Dog) Russo. Do everyone a favor Doggie, take another week off so The Mastermind can mastermind afternoon drive. Plenty of highlights. Like On Thursday, when Costa took 79 calls in an hour. Or Wednesday, when he psycho–analyzed himself. Never easy. We now have more proof Costa is cutting through. Last week, we were approached by a former WFAN talkie who now spends his time on TV. He seemed miffed over our role as Costa’s chief pom–pom waver.


Costa’s a must–listen. If Sirius/XM’s Chris (Mad Dog) Russo was transported back in time, and asked to scout a young Sandy Koufax, his report would have said: “He’s got too much on his curveball. He’s too wild. I’ll take a pass.” If Russo continues dumping on Costa, it will provide ample evidence that, as a talent evaluator, Doggie’s clueless. With Costa working the night shift, there’s now actually a terrific reason to listen to “MDR” after 8 p.m. By the way, Costa will be filling in for Doggie this week. This means there is finally a great reason to listen to “MDR” from 2 p.m.–7 p.m.


VIDEO: What I've Learned from Listening to DINO COSTA

Copy & Embed Link:

Tuesday, Jackson phoned in after Russo inferred Reggie is a guy suffering from the disease of me. “I’m your friend,” Jackson said. “You can’t be banging me.” Wonder what Jax would’ve done if he heard Dino Costa’s Monday night rant? The Mastermind replayed Russo’s interview, pausing only to put a verbal beatdown on Jackson. Costa came to a singular conclusion. “Reggie Jackson,” Costa said, “is a narcissistic bastard.”


As he does most every week, Chris (Mad Dog) Russo torched Dino Costa, the Mastermind of “Mad Dog Radio.” Dog ain’t no dope. Just mentioning Dino stirs listeners up. Russo also knows the tremendous value of Costa. That’s why gnomes working for Doggie got Costa to agree to a renegotiated, one–year deal, which will keep Dino yakking in the kennel (for more than dog bones) through March 2011.


The Dino Costa experience continues infiltrating every crevice of Sirius/XM’s “Mad Dog Radio.” On “Stack’s House,” Jerry Stackhouse went Dino on Richard Jefferson, torching the Spurs forward. Unfortunately, someone didn’t sprinkle some Dino Dust on Chris (Mad Dog) Russo before his interview with Mark McGwire. Ain’t calling this a Twinkie Munch. Just saying Doggie wasn’t as biting as he can be. Maybe listening to some Dino tapes will get the Dog back in the groove.


Matthew Mandel of Kearny has been a huge fan of Costa’s work, dating back to his arrival at Mad Dog Radio. He says having Costa’s show online rather than on satellite or terrestrial radio has made it significantly better.

“He doesn’t answer to anyone anymore,” Mandel said. “When he was on Sirius, he never got the respect he deserved from his bosses. Now, he holds nothing back at all. He tells it like it is. If a team or an athlete ticks him off, he’s going to say so — and he could do that without the fear of potential consequences.

“That has made the Dino Costa Show so much better than it was before.”

Mike Ranford of Belleville agrees — even though he hasn’t always been a fan of Costa’s.

“He says what he means, and he means what he says,” Ranford said. “There were times in the past he’s said stuff that just infuriated me. But when you think of it, that’s what sports talk radio is all about. It’s purely entertainment. And with an online platform, Dino entertains while bringing his fans the best sports radio has to offer.

“He is much better off today without Sirius/XM as far as I am concerned. I just hope the online platform takes off and people are willing to pay a minimal fee to get better sports radio than any of the two terrestrial stations in the area (WFAN and WEPN) can offer.”

-The Observer Newspaper-

Never underestimate the radio savvy of Sirius/XM’s Chris (Mad Dog) Russo. After doing a full five–hour shift on Tuesday, Doggie made a lengthy appearance on DinoCosta’s yakk attack during the first hour of that show. Obviously Russo knows where most “Mad Dog Radio” listeners are. He wants a piece of Costa’s action, if only to promote his slo–mo afternoon show. Dog looked to use Dino as his personal fire hydrant. But it was Russo who got dissed on. Doggie was no match for Costa, the Mastermind, during a debate over the merits of Jerry West and Kobe Bryant.


Dino Costa joined SiriusXM in 2009 and since that time has hosted the nighttime show on SiriusXM's Mad Dog Sports Radio channel.  Truly a departure from the status quo, The Dino Costa Show is unlike anything else currently heard on sports radio.  Willing to tackle issues and stories with a fearlessly independent eye, Dino hosts his show with a straight ahead, pull no punches style as he provides commentary and opinion on all the issues across the sporting landscape.

In 2012, Costa was recognized by Sports Illustrated as one of the country's best national radio voices.  He was also named by Talkers Magazine as one of the "Heavy Hundred of Sports Talk," which identifies the most important sports talk radio hosts in America.  

"When I joined SiriusXM nearly five years ago, my objective was to deliver listeners across North America a brand of sports commentary and opinion that they had never heard before, something that was a radical departure from the status quo," said Costa.  "I feel I have accomplished that and gained a more than appreciable audience over that time.  Creating and delivering the kind of a show I do would not have been possible anyplace other than SiriusXM and it is an honor and a privilege to be with what I consider to be the mightiest radio broadcaster on planet earth.  I enjoyed my time with Mad Dog Sports Radio and now I look forward to new challenges and conquests and feel more enthused than ever at the prospects of making SiriusXM Sports Zone a destination channel for our valued subscribers. This is the start of something very big!"


Award-winning actor and New York native Chazz Palminteri called into “The Dino Costa Show” on SiriusXM’s Mad Dog Radio recently to weigh in on the decision by Jets coach Rex Ryan to appear in an upcoming Adam Sandler movie as a New England Patriots fan. Costa was critical of Ryan’s judgment and Palminteri phoned in to voice his agreement, citing his own experiences in Hollywood and the steadfast devotion to his beloved Yankees that prevents him from donning any other team’s apparel.“There were a couple of movies where they wanted me to wear a Mets hat and I said ‘no,’” said the writer and star of “A Bronx Tale.” “And the director was really insistent and I said, ‘Look, get somebody else. I can’t wear the hat.’ And they said, ‘Chazz, you’re a character. It’s not you.’ I said, ‘I can’t put it on. I can’t do it.’”As for Ryan’s willingness to associate himself with a rival team, even if only on the silver screen, Palminteri said, “That means he cares more about Rex Ryan than he does about the team. He doesn’t need the money. He doesn’t have to do that. I couldn’t put on another uniform unless it was a Yankee hat or a Yankee uniform. I swear on my mother and father I couldn’t do it.”


Dino (Mastermind) Costa’s (970-AM) rip job on a caller, Mario From Queens, was the bomb. Dino totally lost it (“I’ll come to Queens and whip your butt”) after Mario dared criticize Costa for not offering more national stories on his NYC based show while Dino was wigging, Cigarette, his producer, was hiding under his desk -NY DAILEY NEWS

Yet, before the Diehl encounter, Russo was destroyed on the air by his former colleague Dino (Mastermind) Costa on his 970-AM (The Answer) soiree. Costa, who used Russo as a human pin cushion when they worked together at SXM, said Dog has turned into “a ham and egger” and is mailing it in. “He’s lost his fastball,” Costa claimed. “Russo has his limits. He now fills the air with mindless minutia.” It was good hearing Dino take the gloves off. We thought he had gone soft. -NY DAILY NEWS

Judging by his first few soirees on AM 970 The Answer, it is a more kinder Dino (Mastermind) Costa behind the microphone. Even his rip jobs seemed to have a velvet touch. On WFAN’s new afternoon-drive team: “I don’t think there’s a connection there. And connection and voice is crucial.” On Mike (Sports Pope) Francesa: “He wasn’t as much a talk show host as he was a telephone operator… There was such a repetitive nature to his show that it became so predictable, so formatted.” Dino sounded so analytical we believe he’s bucking for a guest appearance on “The Actors Studio.” -NY DAILY NEWS

The world of overnight sports talk will get a much needed shot of juice starting Tuesday morning when Dino (Mastermind) Costa launches his new show (Tuesday-Friday, Midnight to 3 a.m.) on AM 970 The Answer.

The question is which Dino, who has burned a bridge or three during his career, will we get? Since The Mastermind left SXM’s “Mad Dog Radio” four years ago he’s experienced his share of controversy (that’s putting it mildly) in markets such as Portland and St. Louis. Now, Costa, who regularly tormented Chris (Mad Dog) Russo, apparently, is projecting a mellower, wiser persona.

“Obviously there is a lot of great sports radio in New York,” Costa said. “I feel privileged to be a part of the New York sports radio scene and I hope I can do my part to provide another option for sports fans looking for something a little bit different.”

What, a humble Dino too? It’s got to be an act, right? -NY DAILY NEWS


The world of local sports radio, rocked by the departure of Mike (Sports Pope) Francesa, is about to get wilder, whackier and, probably nastier.

It looks like The Savant, The Recalcitrant One, the ultimate Mastermind, Dino Costa is returning to NYC. His website recently posted a teaser: “Coming Soon, Sports overnight with Dino. … The quintessential New York Sports talk radio show coming soon.”

Radio moles confirm Costa is closing in on a deal with a local station and will likely hit the air as soon as Monday Jan. 8. Dino ripped it up — literally — four years ago when he yakked for SXM’s “Mad Dog Radio.” He found himself in hot water — frequently — for trashing Chris Russo and other radio personalities, including Francesa.

With Dino running his mouth on a NYC station, no one is safe.

Stay tuned.



It’s been 29 months since the brainiacs at SiriusXM made an unconscious decision in a conscious state of mind, tossing Dino (Mastermind) Costa off their Satellite of Love.

Like a survivalist, Costa roamed the wilderness, the vast radio wasteland, hooking up freelance yakks and doing his own thing on the Internet.

Now, he’s headed to the heartland, preparing to set up shop at St. Louis’ 590 The FAN. Costa will be the all-sports station’s morning mouth. He is scheduled to debut Monday, March 14.

Costa tilts crazy (he should be banned from the Gateway Arch), but is one of the most talented talkies — and the most unpredictable — we’ve ever encountered. Glad he’s back.

Go for it.



Remember Dino (The Mastermind) Costa?

This Gasbag blew scorching hot air in all directions, including at media types of varying shapes, sizes and statures. His last mass audience gig was on SiriusXM’s Mad Dog Radio.

Costa lived on the edge, constantly ripping management, including Chris (Mad Dog) Russo. Dino’s last days at SXM were spent broadcasting from his home in Cheyenne, Wyo., where he still lives.

Now, after doing his own Internet thing, Costa is back in the mainstream — sort of. He will be hard for many of us to hear. Costa started a gig on KRAE Radio in Cheyenne. Sunday night, he will work a shift on Yahoo Sports Radio. The possibility exists that Costa’s relationship with YSR will expand.

Stay tuned.


Sirius/XM’s Dino (Mastermind) Costas continued his crusade against boring sportstalk radio Thursday night, torching his “MDR” boss Chris (Mad Dog) Russo and Francesa. His line on the Pope can’t be printed in this newspaper and he accused Dog of “stealing” money from the company, demanding: “Chris should give back the $13,000 he earned for today’s show.”


What’s come over SXM’s Dino (Mastermind) Costa. He’s consumed with NFL football and has limited soliloquies on his favorite subject — Dino Costa. Did a mad dachshund whisper in his ear?


Hard to say which spot was funnier: SXM’s Chris (Mad Dog) Russo interviewing Cal Tech seismologist Dr. Egill Hauksson after the earthquake. Or Dino (Mastermind) Costa’s monologue where he put the verbal wood to SI/NBC’s Peter King. Could feel the earth move during that rant.


Always a sports talk radio innovator, SXM’s Dino (Mastermind) Costa pulled another first Thursday night threatening to do bodily harm to update man Scott Wetzel. Costa ripped Wetzel to his face in the “Mad Dog Radio” studio moments before the update. Apparently Wetzel, who Costa referred to as a “slob” who needs to “drop a few pounds,” had been ripping the Mastermind on his weekend show. “I should kick your fat ass,” Dino ranted. “Now get out of my studio.”


Those who toil at SXM’s “Mad Dog Radio,” under the despotic regime of Chris (Mad Dog) Russo, have learned their boss – more often than not – won’t back them.

Like last week, when Dino (Mastermind) Costa verbally torched Dan Patrick. The next day Russo could be heard blasting Costa for ripping Saint Danny.

Guess Russo couldn’t comprehend how entertaining Dino’s rant was. At least Doggie didn’t totally mangle the Mastermind. He could’ve gotten rid of Dino. That’s what Russo did to Bill Pidto.


Dino (Mastermind) Costa has a big mouth. He put it to good use Thursday night/Friday morning on SXM’s “Mad Dog Radio,” yakking for 11 straight hours. Costa started at 7 p.m. at Radio City, covering the NFL draft. He didn’t do it sitting on his tuchus, either. The Mastermind master-mingled with Draftniks. After the first round ended he returned to the studio, remaining on the air until 6 a.m. One major disappointment: Costa, a frequent and vocal critic of Roger Goodell, went one-on-one with the commish. Costa melted. The Mastermind Master (Twinkie) Munched Goodell. Dino ain’t so tough after all.


The voice spent 39 years behind an NBA mike, 37 with the Cavs. Tait left Cleveland for two seasons, landing with the Nets (1980-81) and the Bulls (1981-82) before returning to Cavs radio. Throughout the reign of James, Tait, a solo act, didn’t get much help from the King. In a fascinating Thursday interview with SXM’s Dino (Mastermind) Costa, Tait told many a tale.He said James only spoke to him when required.“Off the air, LeBron never spoke to me once during the entire time (seven seasons) he was in Cleveland,” Tate said. “Once a year, he would do a postgame interview. That was it. “Lebron James was mollycoddled in Cleveland,” Tait said. “Mollycoddled to the point of sin.”


Looks like Steve Phillips‘ comment (“Thank God for steroids. It brought the game back from extinction”) is not fading away. Phillips, the Mets former GM and current SXM “Mad Dog Radio” morning mouth, became the subject of a Wednesday “debate” between Chris (Mad Dog) Russo and Dino (Mastermind) Costa, who accused Doggie of Twinkie Munching Bud Selig on Tuesday during an interview. Costa, “MDR’s” night crawler, said Russo didn’t have the onions to ask Seligula what he thought about Phillips’ brilliant analysis of the steroid years. “It’s such a stupid comment by Steve, I didn’t want to make it worse by bringing it up to the commissioner,” Russo ranted on the radio. “Because Phillips is nuts by saying that. All of a sudden Steve is taking some whacky pills before he walks in here at 5 o’clock in the morning Man, that doesn’t exactly sound like a vote of confidence.


This just in: SXM’s Chris (Mad Dog) Russo is running the most independent channel in radio history. Why else would Doggie bestow a new two-year contract on Dino (Mastermind) Costa? The new deal will have Costa delivering the word on “Mad Dog Radio” from 7 p.m.-11 p.m. daily and on 30 Saturday shows. Costa, an equal opportunity basher, has often dropped verbal dime on his boss. Last week was no different, except Costa received an assist from his giddy lackey Ham & Egg Boy, aka Justin Termine. Now that Dino’s got some security he could get very dangerous.


This just in: Chris (Mad Dog) Russo has contracted a terrible case of selective amnesia. On his Thursday SXM Insomniacs Special, Doggie, over and over again, ripped into The Mastermind, Dino Costa, for dropping a few F-Bombs around midnight on his own Worldwide radio extravaganza. Did Russo forget about going mum when Artie Lange launched one F-Bomb after another (in the afternoon) during an appearance (after the Joe Buck HBO fiasco) on “Mad Dog Unleashed”? Did the Prince of Poop forget about the “colorful” language he used during appearances on Howard Stern‘s show?Yeah, Doggie’s got a case of selective amnesia, all right. Maybe the Sports Pope can offer him some spiritual guidance.


Dino Costa was playing with listeners’ heads on Sirius/XM’s “Dino, er, Mad Dog Radio.” The Mastermind came out with some tired yak Tuesday night, something about Rex Ryan setting himself up for a big fall. Who wrote this script? ESPN-1050’s Seth Everett, perhaps? Anyway, it quickly became apparent Costas’ lightweight analysis was a setup for the hard stuff. Dino ranted about the line between bully and buffoon being razor thin – and the big fella is walking it.“Everything seems cozy now, but do they (Jets players) fear Rex Ryan? Costa asked. Excellent question, especially if Gang Green gets out slow. By the way (Mad Dog Russo, if he even cares anymore, should look into this) who was that stooge sitting in for Costa Thursday night? Things got so loopy Dino had to call in. His attempt to restore order flopped.



When it comes to “Mad Dog Radio’s” Dino (Mastermind) Costa, the Chairman of the Bone – Chris (Mad Dog) Russo – needs to buy a clue. Unless, of course, his decision to ramp up the diss on Dino is pure Sirius/XM radio shtick. “Dino is not getting something he wants and craves,” Russo wailed Wednesday. “And that’s credibility with other media members.” Dino said Russo’s irrational rant had everything to do with Doggie’s wife giving him “a heaping helping of stupid pills” before he left his Connecticut estate. That same evening, things took an even more bizarre twist when David Cassidy called Costa’s show to defend The Mastermind while taking a bite out of Russo. This is all very interesting. There could be more behind it. As the world’s foremost Dogologist, we sense Russo is troubled by something concerning Dino. And it goes far beyond Russo’s distaste for the occasional obscenity Costa drops during his show. No, this seems very personal. Has Russo spent too much time listening to the Cassidy song “Am I Losing You?”




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The Show Has An Incredible NEW Weekly Segment!

"The Business Of Wrestling - Inside The Game With The Godfather, Tony Capone"

Beginning this coming Thursday, December 3, 2020, The Show gets inside the world of Professional Wrestling like never before. Not simply a "Wrestling segment", instead, a weekly sojourn and a deep-dive inside the world of Wrestling, from the upper echelons of the industry right down to the independent and local scene.

"The Godfather", Tony Capone, is one of the most respected and visionary people the wrestling community has ever known. The founder and CEO of NAWA (North American Wrestling Alliance), Tony will be bringing his years-long involvement in the Wrestling community to The Show each Thursday night.

A true insider who is on the front lines of the Wrestling community, a mover and shaker with many years inside the business, Tony will provide unique and exclusive insight on Wrestling, yesterday, today, and what lies ahead for this multi-billion dollar industry. He'll also be bringing on former Wrestlers to The Show, current grapplers too, as well as other Wrestling personnel, providing many of you Wrestling fans out there with a must-listen to segment that will keep you locked in week after week.



The Show Has An Incredible NEW Weekly Segment!

"The Business Of Wrestling - Inside The Game With The Godfather, Tony Capone"

Beginning this coming Thursday, December 3, 2020, The Show gets inside the world of Professional Wrestling like never before. Not simply a "Wrestling segment", instead, a weekly sojourn and a deep-dive inside the world of Wrestling, from the upper echelons of the industry right down to the independent and local scene.

"The Godfather", Tony Capone, is one of the most respected and visionary people the wrestling community has ever known. The founder and CEO of NAWA (North American Wrestling Alliance), Tony will be bringing his years-long involvement in the Wrestling community to The Show each Thursday night.

A true insider who is on the front lines of the Wrestling community, a mover and shaker with many years inside the business, Tony will provide unique and exclusive insight on Wrestling, yesterday, today, and what lies ahead for this multi-billion dollar industry. He'll also be bringing on former Wrestlers to The Show, current grapplers too, as well as other Wrestling personnel, providing many of you Wrestling fans out there with a must-listen to segment that will keep you locked in week after week.